Food Grade Ethyl Alcohol of Top Quality is Now Available Online!

3 min readFeb 4, 2023


Alcohol is used a wide range of purpose and for a wide range of applications. Most of the time when we discuss about alcohol, the very first picture that comes to mind is the alcoholic beverage. Even for the making of spirits and hand sanitizers, alcohol is used. But we hardly know about what sort of alcohol is used for these purposes. Its ethyl alcohol which is also known as the ethanol and it’s a colorless liquid. It can come in different forms such as non denatured and denatured. However, the non denatured one is considered as the safe one for human consumption and that’s the reason why it is used for the making of beer, wine and vodkas like alcoholic beverages. If you are looking for the organic alcohol for tinctures making, then you have come to the right place!

Extractohol strives hard to bring top quality high proof ethanol for you in affordable price. When it comes to the making of tinctures and culinary extracts, ethyl alcohol is considered as the first choice. This works as an active ingredient that helps in maximum extraction. Due to this reason, the tinctures and essential oils you make while taking help of the organic alcohol for tinctures often remain of top quality and pure.

It’s the purity and efficiency of the ethyl alcohol is what making this the first choice when it comes to the making of tincture. There is a wide range of plant extracts, herbal oils and concentrates that we need these days for a wide range of purposes. So these things must remain pure and of top quality. This is where the use of the ethyl alcohol can bring amazing outcome for you.

Organic alcohol for tinctures making is also known as the food grade ethanol or ethyl alcohol. This one is a very simple member for alcohol family. it is used for a wide range of applications. Even it’s the fuel industry that pays a great importance to the use of the ethyl alcohol. As the ethyl alcohol comes with high antifungal and antibacterial properties, this is widely used for the making of medical wipes, hand sanitizers and other disinfectant. To sterilize and disinfect the surfaces as well as equipments at the medicals, ethyl alcohol is also used. This is also a good antiseptic and can be used on wounds to help them heal quickly while staying safe from possible infections.

There are also certain medications which are not soluble in the water. To make them soluble, ethyl alcohol is used. So, this is also a kind of solvent that is used for certain mouthwashes and analgesics. The alcoholic beverages that you drink for recreational purposes also carry the ethyl alcohol. As of this use, the ethanol works as psychoactive drugs and can even help in reducing anxiety. When it comes to the industrial use of ethyl alcohol, it is used for the making of ethyl amines, diethyl ether, and acetic acid. As it can dissolve with both the non polar and polar compounds, ethyl alcohol is also used as the solvent.




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