An Insight into the Process of Making Rick Simpson Oil

3 min readFeb 4, 2023


Herbalism is based on relationships; plant-human relationship, plant-plant relationship, human-plant relationship. Using herbs in the healing process means taking part in the ecological system. (Wendell Berry)

The above-mentioned statement favours the use of herbal medicine. Yes, in today’s world, there is a continuous fight between human beings and diseases. It has become such that without medicine, you can’t lead a life. Many pharmaceutical companies are producing medicines for commercial purposes. Sometimes, to get benefits, they produce medicines that have great side effects on the human body. Taking some chemical-based medicines can sometimes cause other diseases, and in order to get relief from the disease, you must take another type of medicine. The process continues for a long time, and the day comes when your body becomes medicated and stops responding to medicine.

William Osler is right in his statement, “The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine.”

Thus, many people have started to develop a faith in herbal medicines. Many research and methods are being developed to produce herbal medicines. Herbal medicines have a greater healing impact than modern chemical medicines. The page guides you through how to make Rick Simpson Oil.

Rick Simpson Oil is a type of herbal oil. It was produced by a Canadian medical marijuana activist named Rick Simpson. RSO is a cannabis extract. It has a high level of THC. According to Rick Simpson, it heals skin cancer if it is applied to skin cancer spots. It can also be used to treat anxiety and depression, as well as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), asthma, eating disorders, insomnia, high cholesterol, AIDS, many chronic pains, and gastrointestinal disorders.

How to Make Rick Simpson

A tall mason jar, one short wide-mouth Mason jar, a blender, a basic crock pot with a full jar, 100% approved grain alcohol, a fine cheese cloth, and a rice cooker are all required.

When you use a blender, be sure to only fill it up 1/3 to ½ full so that the cannabis on a low setting mixes all the cannabis you require. Mix the grain alcohol with the fully grounded cannabis. It is best to freeze the alcohol for at least one hour before mixing it with the grained cannabis. When the mixing process is finished, place the final container in the freezer for 45 minutes to several hours. After it is frozen, take a piece of cheese cloth and place it in a short, wide-mouthed jar. Place a rubber band or rope around the jar with the cloth. Make sure that the rope is nicely tightened. Gradually pour your juice into the cheese cloth until everything is gone from the tall jar. You have to scoop the rest of the grounds out with a spoon. Once it stops dripping on its own, twist up the cloth so that you can strain the remaining cannabis juice without getting any grounds in the jar. Take the crock pot and fill it up with warm water. Fill your RSO jar all the way to the top with liquid. Set the jar in the centre; put the pot in which you are going to do the cooking in a well-ventilated spot. Let it boil for 3 to 4 hours. Check on the solvent on a regular basis and add more alcohol as needed to keep the rice cooker three-quarters full. In between, also add a few drops of water to save the solvent from overheating. Cook it until it gains the consistency of thick grease. The colour of the isopropyl alcohol becomes dark when it is properly converted into Rick Simpson Oil.

For details visit extractohol




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